I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't need:
Zoloft, or Paxil, or Sarafem, or Lexapro;
Almost as helpful as is a placebo,
Celexa, Selective Serotonin Inhibitors,
that were the most common causal contributors,
In 95% of the mass shootings,
Of recent decades.
2018 Attorney General Campaign. (Re-purposed from my 2017 blog for Suffolk D.A.) A prosecutor's first task is to NOT prosecute the innocent. As a Libertarian, my priorities would be to prosecute crimes where force, threat of force, or fraud were used against persons or property. That would include such crimes by government officials. I would not enforce a law that violates the US Constitution.
Videos of Chris Garvey
2017 interview of Chris Garvey as Libertarian Candidate for DA 3 minutes
link to videos
2006 interview of Garvey as Candidate for Attorney General: https://youtu.be/vMaNbkYZT94
2006 interview of Garvey as Candidate for Attorney General: https://youtu.be/vMaNbkYZT94